What does Communion mean to you? - blessed
2nd Feb 2021 | Recent Posts Blsd

What does Communion mean to you?

Communion is a celebration observed around the world. It’s a time to let go of our earthly cares and align ourselves with what is most important. The word “communion” means sharing, fellowship, partnership and participating in common.

Although celebrated in different ways and a in variety of settings, Communion is universally understood as an essential part of spiritual development and worship where individuals direct their internal thoughts and prayers to God. It is an ordinance that invites great peace to your heart and rest to your mind.

There are numerous resources that explain the many traditions and the reasoning for celebrating Communion. Each provide worthwhile perspectives on its importance, however they are all in alignment that Communion is a powerful way to remember what Jesus has done and why He did it.

We invite you to intentionally set aside some time to contemplate what Communion means to you.