Unity - blessed
2nd Jun 2021


Communion has often been called the sacrament of unity. Receiving Communion unites us more closely with Jesus, while also uniting us with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Unity both inside and out of the church is important. We live, work and do a variety of activities in our communities. The most functional communities are those where its residents stand together for the common good of one another – people who purposely seek to create relationships, provide solutions and live in harmony with others.

There is a story about a boy who, while visiting his lumberjack uncle, saw a gigantic tree standing alone on the top of a hill. He excitedly exclaimed, “Look at that big tree! It will make a lot of good lumber, won’t it?”

The uncle looked down at his nephew and shook his head. “Actually, no that tree will not make a lot of good lumber. It might make a lot of lumber but not a lot of good lumber. When a tree grows off by itself, too many branches grow from it. Those branches produce knots when the tree is cut into lumber. The best lumber comes from trees that grow together in groves. The trees also grow taller and straighter when they grow together.”

People are similar. We become better, more useful individuals when we are growing together instead of alone. As we work together to make our homes, communities and churches more unified, we will be happier.

Some simple thought starters to help create unity in your family, church or community:

  • Look for the good in others.
  • Provide service.
  • Be forgiving.
  • Show kindness – give a compliment.
  • Read/watch inspiring books/shows.
  • Select a positive character trait to develop and practice mastering it.