The Gifts We Give - blessed
The Gifts We Give
17th Dec 2021 | Recent Posts Blsd

The Gifts We Give

If there is one positive gained from the worldwide pandemic, it’s that our faith, family, friends and health have become top priority. As we are well into the season of giving and we near Christmas, we may feel stressed about getting just the right presents for those in our lives. While giving gifts is fun, there are many ways we can give of ourselves and carry the same generous spirit throughout the year:

Friendship — an invitation to do an activity, be a listening ear or having someone over for dinner.

Talents — sharing our talents to help build, bake, make or clean something.

Service — helping with the various needs around us and giving care to those in our circle.

Donating — giving of a possession or money.

As we think of the people in our lives and what will make them feel loved, we can give what often costs us the most — our time. Remembering God’s greatest gift to us and what that means in our lives will help us to be available, generous and compassionate during Christmas and throughout the year.

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35

Merry Christmas!