​Service - blessed
26th Jul 2021 | Recent Posts Blsd


I have wept in the night
At my shortness of sight
That to others' needs made me blind,
But I never have yet
Had a twinge of regret
For being a little too kind.
- C.R. Gibson

In Galations 5:13, the Apostle Paul advised, “By love serve one another.”

All around us there are those in need of our encouragement, our support and our kindness. Whether it’s family, friends, acquaintances or strangers. We are God's hands here upon the earth, with the responsibility to serve and to lift others.

There are endless ways to serve others that fit every season of our lives. Volunteering, donating items, writing and delivering thoughtful notes, picking up trash left on the ground, helping family around the house — even just smiling at people throughout the day. As we ask God to show us how we can be of help to others, we will see opportunities in our own circle.

When we serve others, life becomes more meaningful and satisfying. It’s a paradox of life that those who perform the service often benefit more than the recipient. Our love and concern for others grows as well as our desire to serve more. When we serve others, we are truly serving God. It is a blessed process that allows us to become closer to God.