Is Communion For You? - blessed
Is Communion For You?
31st Aug 2021 | Recent Posts Blsd

Is Communion For You?

How can you personally benefit from receiving Communion?

  • Communion helps draws us closer to God. When time is spent thinking about what the elements symbolize, it helps us understand the sacrifice made for us and the love God has for us.
  • It’s a time for reflection. Pondering our direction in life allows us to make any necessary changes, give or ask for forgiveness and make commitments to be a better person.
  • A new beginning. Each time Communion is received, the opportunity is presented to make a fresh start and gain a new perspective.
  • Healing Benefits. Through faith in God there is a healing power through Communion.

The scriptures tell us to take Communion often. The word “often" has been interpreted to mean monthly, weekly or daily. How often you receive Communion is personal. Regardless of the frequency, it is a special time where we can show our gratitude and devotion.