Hope and Renewal - blessed
Hope and Renewal
25th Apr 2022 | Recent Posts Blsd

Hope and Renewal

In the Northern Hemisphere this time of year, we are surrounded by emerging new life. It is a visual sermon to observe and cherish. 

Dormant lawns are gradually greening, small buds appear on bare trees, perennial flowers begin to pop up through the soil that just weeks earlier may have had snow. The dark days of winter start to illuminate with increased hours of light. The brilliance of spring brings a feeling of hope and renewal. The timing of the Easter celebration, or Resurrection Sunday, is perfectly tied to the applicable symbolism of spring. 

Spring is all about renewal of life, hope, relief and deliverance after a long period of despair. The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives each of us individually renewal of life, hope, relief and deliverance after despair. We celebrate the greatest of all victories — the triumph of life over physical and spiritual death. We recognize the love of Jesus Christ for all mankind — a love that never ceases and mercies that never end. His great sacrifice allows each of us to overcome through Him. 

He invites us to turn to Him. As we look around this spring season, let us be reminded of hope and redemption. Take the time to reevaluate, repair and restart through Jesus Christ. Take the time to ponder how He can change your life.