Communion — A Deeply Personal Experience - blessed
Communion — A Deeply Personal Experience
8th Jun 2023 | Recent Posts Blsd

Communion — A Deeply Personal Experience

The events of the evening when Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his Apostles are well documented in the Bible. This last meal reveals His enduring love for them and all of His followers. Communion is more than the history of the Last Supper experience though. Participants in Communion should make the effort to develop a deeper understanding of Christ’s life and the sacrifice He made for us, as well as how His life binds us together as Believers. 

Communion is a time for reflection. While we have many weaknesses and imperfections, it’s important to remember that recognizing shortcomings is part of the process and progress of this life. He knows each of us better than we know ourselves…when we’ve been hurt, when we feel scared, when we are worried, when we are joyful, when we have accomplished a goal — He knows our all. He’s not shocked or embarrassed by us. He knows what we are each going through individually and He still loves and chooses us. 

Knowing this helps us to better understand Him, and allows us to see Communion as a source of renewal and strength. Whether taking Communion at home, in nature or at church, it is a deeply personal experience. This life isn’t always easy, however we can be encouraged as we remember what Jesus has done for us. John 16:33, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."